Wednesday, February 21, 2007

digital scrapbooking? exciting!

PIE is offering this really cool digital scrapbooking thing in a couple of weeks... we're having a seminar on in 2 mondays and then an all day workshop the following saturday... so, i was thinking, this weekend when i am home/at grandma's i'm going to scan a whole bunch of little kid pictures, and then i can hopefully do those in the scrapbook. i've always wanted those pictures immortalized in a scrapbook, i've just been too lazy to get a whole bunch of kid stuff for the book... and i keep taking 8 million other pictures to take up my time... so, digital it may be. but they look amazing. so i wouldn't be upset with it at all...

go me go.
i'm also bringing home my real scrapbooking stuff to oma's so i can finish that. thank god.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

a block

i'm at a crafty block
i hate it.

Monday, February 05, 2007

a something for stacey

i've decided i'm making stacey a scarf. i bought some brownish tweedish yarn from borealis the other day.
i think i'll use my knitting calendar and find a cool stitch and make a scarf.
who knows. maybe i'll just give her the 2 skeins of yarn and say happy february!