Sunday, January 28, 2007

accomplished. yet annoyed.

i haven't taken any pictures yet, but my cabled, pink, beautiful hat is approximately 5 rows from completion. but wait. here comes the annoyance. i have to go buy a whole skein of yarn to finish it.


I'll post pictures once it's actually finished. it might still be a little small. I'll just block it out.

Monday, January 22, 2007


i figured out how to do the cables.
it said c6b.
that really translates into put 3 on a holder, move it behind. knit the next 3, and then knit the 3 on the holder.

wah-la. cables.

a new project.

so i've decided i'm going to start a hat from S'n'B nation. I stopped at the lys today and got some cashmerino chunky in a baby pink (go figure, right?)

the pattern says 8's for an adult medium. i think i'll try it on 10s for my large head. hopefully that works and i won't have to adjust the pattern. we'll see at least :)
i'll upload pictures later.

stacey wants me to knit her something. i don't have much inspiration yet. i'll look through some books/patterns and see if i can be inspired.

we'll see though.

the entrelac scarf is still on hold.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

quarter century... not me!

Well folks, there it is... the quarter century cake i decorated for miss nicole tonight. it was fun. it was like painting, except with frosting.

i need to start painting.
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Tuesday, January 09, 2007


so, i wanted to work on my entrelac scarf, but i screwed up and i hate trying to fix it. so now it's on hold.

and then, i was going to start a houndstooth scarf (purple and cream. very cool combo i'd say) but i couldn't figure it out.
so it's back to the movie. and playing on the internet.
i need some free time. i want to call in sick one day and just do stuff at home, like scrapbook.
but i like work too much. or i like certain aspects of work too much.
damn. i need something else to be on my mind!

Saturday, January 06, 2007


you can relax
because everything

you could ever want or be
you already have and are.

- i <3 huckabees

side note:
I gave Brian his hat on Friday, well I just left it in his locker for him. He didn't say anything about it all day, but then after work, he walked by with it on, gave me the HUGE brian smile and told me it was perfect.

too bad he's not wearing the hat in this picture.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I finished Brian's hat! :) hooray!

Well, I did it! I finished Brian's hat, finally! and i took some sweet pictures of myself in it... one so ya'll could see it and 2 so i could make sure it fit my gigantic head! mission accomplished x2!

so, you can all be proud of me, for finishing something! i'm not sure what i'm going to do with the rest of my knitting abilities, but something, i'm sure... i'm still in a small scrapbooking kick, only 15 more to do for this book... but i have hundreds for the next one already!